Managing and Leading People

The important role of leaders and managers is to develop people. A good manager makes it easy for his or her staff members to develop themselves. How can we be good managers?  

Several key questions help managers carry on meaningful conversations and reflection with their staff for their development. For example, what is expected of staff, what and how they should develop, how they are doing, and so on.

The Staff Engagement Course, found in Course-Connections, is designed for managers to learn more about these key questions, using specific forms as conversation tools. Managers can also fill out an annual summary report for SIL staff and their sending organizations by going through these conversations.  

A second course in the leading people category is Workplace Behavior – Line Managers, also found in This course follows the basic required course, Workplace Behaviors, and is designed to encourage anyone who managers other staff to create a safe and healthy workplace environment. As we know, little things when not addressed early and later blowup into big problems. All leaders need to be aware and proactive when it comes to bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination.

Several more courses are under development to support managers, such as Avoiding Amygdala Hijacking, Having Difficult Conversations, Emotional Intelligence, Leading Virtual Teams, Helping Someone Out (of their current role), etc.

The Personal Attributes (PAs) and the Management/Leadership Competencies (MLCs) were also developed for use by individuals and managers to help with personal growth.  These attributes and competencies can be used for managers to do more effective recruitment, placement, self-assessment, and development planning with their staff.