Staff Care & Counseling
SIL Staff Care Team
What we do
The Global HR Staff Care department seeks to equip, inspire and connect workers with Staff Care responsibilities in SIL. Through this, we aim to establish a shared understanding and standard of quality in Staff Care that supports the wellbeing and resilience of workers. ▼
We can only do this work in close collaboration with HR and Staff Care, and other specialist care workers on OU, Area and Global levels, aligning our services to realities on the field. We are part of the Global HR department in SIL International. The Staff Care department hosts Mental Health Strategy, the Counseling department and various SIL Staff Care development programs.
Vision and framework
Staff Care in SIL encompasses a range of practices offering holistic organisational support to staff and their family members. This support is both proactive and responsive, and is focused on individual, community and workplace wellbeing and resilience. ▼
We see Staff Care in SIL as the shared responsibility of different parties in the organization. HR and Staff Care have a specific task in equipping staff and actively promoting their well being. Supervisors and OU leaders have responsibility for a healthy and fitting work environment. Colleagues and peers contribute to social support and spiritual community. The organization as a whole is committed to fulfilling its Duty of Care, which includes but is not limited to our standards, policies and guidelines. SIL Counselors, spiritual directors, coaches and others offer specialist support where there is a need for it.
Staff Care Practice
Staff Care practice as it is envisioned for SIL includes ‘a range of practices’ tailored to the individual worker, taking into account his/her strengths, phase of career, family members’ needs, and encompassing different areas of life.
The support that is offered is defined as ‘holistic’, which includes spiritual, emotional, social and mental aspects of care, and it is ‘organisational’, which means that it is provided by and within the organisation. The organisational nature of care provision allows for it to be both ‘proactive and reactive’ and thus not solely dependent on the individual to request intervention. Instead, it is practiced as an anticipated responsibility within the organisational framework.
This definition states that Staff Care is ‘focused on the individual, community and workplace’.
Staff Care for the individual is tailored to his or her personal strengths, challenges, history, training and assignment. When speaking of ‘individual’, we refer to all staff and their family members. The care offered takes into consideration the challenges the individual experiences in their particular living situation. This includes the availability (or lack thereof) of health sustaining resources (such as social and spiritual community, medical facilities, and psychological or pastoral support). Next to this, the care anticipates the phase of the career and/or transition (HR) cycle the individual is in.
The organisational framework of care around the worker includes the mutual care given to workers in the organisational community. The cohesion of this spiritual and social community is actively promoted by the Staff Care facilitator (as HR worker, or in close collaboration with the local HR department), but is dependent on the (expected) active investment of the workers themselves. Through friendship and spiritual companionship, workers walk together through the joys and challenges of their lives. Next to this, the fostered relationships remind the community of their shared identity and vision, while acknowledging and celebrating their intercultural character.
Organisational Staff Care for SIL staff in the workplace recognizes the significant impact of the work situation on the wellbeing and resilience of the individual worker. It strengthens resilience and work engagement through ensuring a sufficient understanding of tasks, experienced practical and psycho-social support from a supervisor, and a sense of connection with team members.
Wellbeing and resilience are core purposes of Staff Care. SIL seeks to promote the wellbeing of staff and families in order to equip and sustain them in contributing to God’s Kingdom through our organisation’s work. Care for TCK’s and families is more extensively addressed on the page of the Global HR TCK Care and Education department.
We expect our staff to be faced with challenges and stressors in their work and lives as missions workers. Care provided should therefore be proactive and responsive in character, equipping our workers to bounce back (be resilient) when faced with expected and unpredictable challenges. Instead of waiting to offer care after a crisis arises, we strive to promote the resilience and skills of our workers so they are able to cope as well as possible. When staff is faced with highly stressful events, crisis care is offered in order for them to be able to recover and continue with their lives and work.
What we offer
The Global HR SC department offers resources, events, and services that promote quality care for SIL’s workers. ▼
Resources and events
On the Staff Care Resources page, we have collected Staff Care resources and information for you. Our goal is to create a place where you can easily find resources that help you as you care for SIL workers. Staff Care resources are ordered in four specific categories, which you can find here. Next to this, you can learn more about Staff Care services in our organization.
The Staff Care Practice Planning hub is developed to help you think through your Staff Care practice. What do you envision, what needs do you see, and what can you offer?
Monthly SC Newsletter (sign up here)
Staff Care Community of Practice: Monthly online meetings to discuss a topic that is relevant to SC practice. Upcoming meetings are announced via the SC Newsletter. You can find recordings of previous SC CoP meetings here.
The SIL Staff Care Facebook Group is a place to connect, share resources, discuss issues and pray for each other. This is a hidden group (members can only be added by existing members, and it cannot be searched for or viewed by non-members). If you would like to join the group, please send an email to
We offer coaching to SIL Staff Care workers who want to invest in their professional development, or who are searching how to define ‘good practice’ in their work context. Coaching could provide you with the opportunity to grow in:
Self awareness
Understanding of care needs among workers
Vision for a care approach that aligns with your capacity and work context
We are available for consultation as you reflect on the current status of staff care in your work context. We come alongside to reflect on care needs, share resources and ideas to work towards a tailored care approach that aligns with your resources and realities.
You are welcome to approach us for mental health consultation. Some examples of questions that could be addressed:
How do current levels of stress affect your workers?
What can you do to create a psychologically safe work environment?
What habits can prevent burnout?
How to get in touch with care providers
You can contact the Global HR Staff Care department via
Mental Health in SIL
Global HR Staff Care is committed to supporting the mental health of all our staff. ▼
In our understanding, mental health involves the effective functioning in daily activities, resulting in
• Productive activities (work, school, caregiving)
• Healthy relationships, and
• Ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity
On the other hand, mental illness to refer to all diagnosable mental disorders; health conditions involving
• Significant changes in thinking, emotion and/or behavior
• Distress and/or problems functioning in social, work or family activities
Promoting mental health
The following principles guide our approach to promoting mental health:
Mental health encompasses functioning in a variety of areas including emotional health, psychological health, and spiritual health. In other words, your mental health impacts how you feel, how you think and behave, and how you experience your faith.
Mental health support is both proactive (promoting skills for health functioning) and responsive (quickly and effectively addressing needs as they arise).
The responsibility for maintaining good mental health lies not just with the individual but with the larger society, community, and the organization in which the individual works. How we interact, the values we share and the way we collaborate at work has an impact on our functioning at work, in relationships and on our resilience.
Organizational values and workplace behavior have a significant impact on mental health.
Against this backdrop, the strategy for promoting mental health strategy in our family of organizations includes the following steps:
Creating well-formulated tools and strategies to assess staff functioning. SIL values being aware of the status of the mental health of its workers. This will contribute to promoting fitting preventative and responsive support.
Developing and improving organizational services and resources that support mental health such as counseling services, HR Staff Care, crisis support, spiritual direction, and workshops and seminars.
Monitoring and consulting on organizational systems and structures to help shape them in ways that meet staff needs and positively impact mental health.
If you would like to receive consultation on ways to support staff mental health, or if you have any other questions or input, please write to
SIL Counseling Team
SIL Counseling Services
The SIL Global Counseling department supports the staff of SIL by engaging in preventive and restorative care for individuals, families, and teams. Our services may include professional counseling, psychiatric care, consultation, training, and crisis intervention. ▼
Services offered by SIL Global Counseling:
Counseling for individuals, couples, families, and children.
Consultation for administrators, managers and supervisors. Leaders can contact Global Counseling for consultation on work-related staff issues that may be related to mental health (e.g. relating to staff who are involved in conflict, staff who exhibit concerning behaviors, or how to manage difficult team dynamics, etc).
Workshops presented on mental health related topics (e.g. peer debriefing, transitions, conflict resolution, relationships, parenting, or crisis response, etc).
Crisis response care for staff (as requested) for events (e.g. natural disasters, conflict /war/political unrest, other significant, sudden, and perhaps violent events).
Psychiatric assessment and treatment by a U.S. licensed physician (currently only available at Cornerstone Counseling in Chiang Mai, Thailand).
Referrals to mental health related services not available or not provided by SIL Counseling (e.g. specialized assessments or therapy, residential care, etc).
Please note that not all services are available at every location. Services may be in-person or online.
If you would like to get contact an SIL Counselor, please click here: Counseling Help Contacts. Where possible, counseling services provided by SIL counselors are offered at no or low cost to SIL staff. A counseling center's fee policy takes precedence.
SIL Counseling -
Mission & Strategies
Mission: We support the staff of SIL, a faith-based mission serving language communities worldwide, by engaging in preventive and restorative care for individuals, families, and teams. Our services may include professional counseling, psychiatric care, consultation, training, and crisis intervention.
We provide counseling and psychiatric services, crisis intervention, and preventive care for SIL staff
We consult with Areas and entities regarding the mental health needs and recommended strategies for meeting those needs within their regions
We collaborate with regional counseling centers, where available, in providing services
We recruit, prepare, and support SIL professional counseling and psychiatric staff
We consult with Areas and entities regarding the placement and support of SIL counselors
We develop and maintain professional standards of practice for SIL- assigned counselors
We maintain awareness and monitor issues of mental health trends/events potentially impacting SIL Areas and entities
We network and collaborate to share resources which may enhance the effectiveness of SIL counselors, SIL administrators, or SIL staff in general
We participate in a reciprocal partnership of cooperation and resource sharing with Wycliffe US Counseling Ministries as we engage in common strategies (recruitment, vetting, orientation, consultation, counseling, resources, crisis support, etc.).
© 2005-2024 SIL International, all rights reserved, unless otherwise noted elsewhere on this page.
Provided by SIL's People Strategies Global Team.