TCKs have challenges because of mobility, but they also have some skills they have developed that they can use to make friends. 

Friendships and local community can be a vital part of our support system. Friends help kids develop socially and emotionally and help kids figure out who they are.


For TCKs, making and maintaining friends can have additional challenges:

Skills MKs already have

TCKs also have skills and experiences that can help them navigate the challenges above and engage in making or maintaining friendships:

In this technological age, it is much easier to maintain connections with friends they have made. Yet it is important that they pursue healthy friendships in their current location and put down roots in that community, too. Parents can encourage that by looking for peer groups with similar interests, valuing current and older friendships, and offering cultural coaching to explain distinctives of the environment where they are currently living. 

For more help, look at Developmental Years Shape Kids’ Friendships.