Child Abuse Response

Ensuring the safety of a child is everyone’s responsibility. This is an area where no one should remains silent. However, children have been hurt, even with the best of measures put in place to be preventative and proactive. For those times, caring professionalism is needed for all parties involved. The child and those involved need care and trained professional help.

Jesus said “let the little children come to me.” He also said that the second greatest command is to love your neighbor as yourself. This makes no difference in age, ethnicity, culture, or experiences. We are all called to love one another and bring others to Jesus. How will you respond to others in bringing them to Jesus? May the documents and links serve as a catalyst for that response.

Foundational Documents 

This section contains the policy, standards, and staff behavioral code of conduct related to Child Abuse Response.

CSR Policy

CSR Standards

Staff Behavioral Code


This section contains templates of documents to facilitate a thorough response. 

Initial Report Forms

Statement of Knowledge (SOK)

Statement of Findings (SOF)

Administrative Letter